1357 Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 9LW

Professor Rajesh Botchu: Reporting Radiologist

Here at Heath Lodge Clinic we are supported by Consultant Reporting Radiologists and Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologists.
We are pleased this week that one of our Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologists, Professor Rajesh Botchu, has recently had a book published: “Imaging of the Foot and Ankle“.

This up-to-date and comprehensive book on imaging of the foot and ankle provides a detailed description of the techniques and imaging findings relevant to this small region of complex anatomy. This book is an entirely revised second edition of the ‘Imaging of the Foot & Ankle’ published in 2003. It offers an updated comprehensive review of imaging and pathologies of the foot and ankle.

For more information visit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Imaging-Foot-Ankle-Techniques-Applications/dp/3031386086/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=JPDUDM9WDTQM&keywords=foot+and+ankle+botchu&qid=1702562019&sprefix=foot+and+ankle+botchu%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-1

Congratulations Professor Botchu!