1357 Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 9LW

Self-Referral Terms & Conditions

Referral Form Contact Us

Our Terms

  • The contact details and medical information you provide must be complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge and belief to enable clinic to progress your request for an MRI scan.
  • Your contact details will be passed to an independent GP at Daleswood Health who will make contact, assess your request and approve or reject that request. You may choose to have your follow up consultation with that same independent GP, in which case your report will be sent directly to Daleswood Health. Additional charges will apply for the follow up consultation and these will be agreed directly between Daleswood Health and you as the patient.
  • You must be registered with an NHS GP and provide us with their details. If you do not choose to have your follow up consultation with Daleswood Health, a copy of the report will be sent to your NHS GP to facilitate future discussions as determined necessary by the GP. The report will not be issued directly to you as the patient.
  • All information provided to Daleswood Health will be processed in line with their privacy notices and retained in accordance with their record retention policy; to find out more about this, please contact Daleswood Health directly at: https://daleswoodhealth.co.uk/privacy-policy/
  • Your stated NHS GP will be entitled to contact the clinic and/or the reporting radiologist for more information about the report and all images will be made available to hospital consultants if there is an onward referral.
  • In order to process your request, you must provide full and accurate details regarding the need for your MRI scan, including details of symptoms and whether the scan is for a medical complaint or for reassurance.
  • Prior to attending for your scan, the Heath Lodge booking team will contact you to complete a safety questionnaire to ensure it is safe for you to proceed with a scan. Your responses to the safety questionnaire will determine whether it is safe for you to proceed with a scan. In the event that it is not safe to proceed, there will be no refund of the initial fee paid as this is levied to cover the cost of the initial assessment by Daleswood Health and an administration charge by Heath Lodge Clinic for processing the safety questionnaire.
  • No scans can be undertaken if you do not provide us with details of your NHS GP.
  • In order to request a self-referral for an MRI scan you must be over the age of 18
  • Scans will only be undertaken on shoulders and knees, and you understand that you are solely responsible for specifying the area that you wish to have scanned.
  • You, as the patient, understand and accept that the scan may identify unexpected findings or abnormalities not contemplated by you.
  • As a self-referring patient, you are solely responsible for payment of all fees.
  • In the event that you fail to attend an appointment which has been booked for you with less than 24 hours’ notice, a full charge for the scan will be payable.
  • All personal data provided will be processed in line with the clinics’ privacy notices